Back-to-Back TIP Weekends Begin @ Gaslight This Saturday
What more could you want in the dead of winter then back-to-back Saturdays with Just the Tip? (If you said “Spring” then you’re an a-hole.) Eric always says he parties the most during the winter months, but I swear he said the same about the summer. And football season. For me, I’ve already put on 10lbs of Winter Lager weight and I’m starting to look like Powder with a dusting of Keanu Reeves-esque facial hair. Not my finest moment.

It's sink-or-swim in this band...
Luckily, for the seasonally depressed like me, Eric and Chad (especially Chad), we have you fine folks to spend the next two weekends with. First up is an acoustic show at the Gaslight in Hoboken this Saturday. Last time here was a blast and probably the most fun acoustic show we’ve had to date.
Then on Saturday 1/22, we’ll be at Texas Arizona for what looks to be our last TA show for the foreseeable future. They’ve got some management/directional changes afoot and it appears as though they will no longer be hosting live music. Sad, I know. It was a great run at TA and we will miss those shows. More on that next week.
Until Saturday…
Show Details:
Gaslight Hoboken
400 Adams Street
Hoboken, NJ 07030-2676
(201) 217-1400
Saturday, January 15th, 2011, 10pm to 1am
Drink Specials:
$3 Coors Light & Yuengling
$5 Stoli Cocktails
$6 Energy Cocktails