The 5th Annual Just the Tip Booze Cruise: Tickets on Sale Now!!

Five (count-em!) years of the Just the Tip Booze Cruise...
Tickets for the 2010 Just the Tip Booze Cruise, aka the Greatest Day of Your Life, are now officially on sale. I’m not going to tell you to get your tickets early, or that we’ve sold out every year for the past four years, or that every year I get phone calls from people who didn’t listen and try to get last-minute tickets and I have to turn them away. No, I’m not going to tell you any of those things because by now you should already know them.
The cruise is September 25th at 6pm and you can find all pertinent details on our Booze Cruise Page. Once again, we’ll be right where we belong on the Half Moon. Tickets are the same price at $50 with an open bar.
Thanks to everyone who has supported us throughout the years. See you on the boat!